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Monday, 18 November 2013

Time flies when you have a child...or two!

I've not blogged for over a year!  To be honest, it seems like my last post was only five minutes ago but, here we are!  A lot of things have happened in my life to take away my time and I have to say some of them weren't even my fault!  I'm guilty of being one of those people that like to have a hundred projects on the go at the same time.  My Mum says it's because I'm a Gemini but I'm not convinced.

I play cornet in a brass band.  The Dobcross Brass Monkeys to be precise.  I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I love it and have done ever since my school days.  We're an adult training band so we have players of all abilities and, fortunately, our gig schedule has increased over the last year.  (We rehearse every Monday and Thursday, drop me a line if you fancy playing...)

I'm the one in the black and white skirt.

Looking after a rapidly growing Monkey Joe is another reason my blog got left by the wayside.  He's an awesome little bundle of fun and its been amazing watching his personality develop.  Myself and the bearded Husband always said we wanted more than one child so we decided to try for another, knowing how long it took us to get out Monkey.  Which brings me on to the third reason why I've not blogged...  our Tiny Dancer!

Yes, it took us ages to conceive Monkey Joe but not so long for us to get the Tiny Dancer.  Three months in fact!  We found out just before last Christmas that we were going to do the whole pregnancy thing again.  It's a good job I didn't retire my maternity clothes!

When I look back I realise that I didn't have the easiest pregnancy (more about that in another post) and I also went back to my old school to do some supply work.  One pupil stated "OMG Miss, have you not had that baby yet?!?"  It took a while to make him understand that yes, I was pregnant the last time he saw me and yes, I am pregnant again but I now have a baby too!

Needless to say what with being pregnant, looking after a newly toddling Monkey and working too I had barely enough time to brush my hair let alone craft or blog.  We're now 9 weeks after the birth of the baby and we kept the gender a surprise but were delighted with the arrival of our Alice May aka Tiny Dancer (that's what she felt like in my belly anyway).  I feel like we're getting into a proper routine again now.  Alice is sleeping through the night and Monkey Joe goes to a child-minder for three days a week so that he can get a bit of socialising done.   I guess this means that, when I've finished the usual housekeeping jobs, I've had more time to finish projects and the blogging itch can finally be scratched again. 

I'll leave you all for now but before I go here's a picture of the best things I ever made (with a little help of course)...


  1. Aww so adorable. Nice to have you back in the blogging world - it's been too long!

    Follow me too? Oh So Gawjess

  2. A really good post to get back into the world of blogging with, can't wait to see what else you have in store :) xx

  3. Eeee I never knew ;) Will look forward to having a good read x

  4. Aww your babies are beaitiful. I only started blogging a few months ago so don't remember reading any of yours when you were blogging before. But welcome back, and good luck continuing blogging - I'm sure you have LOTS to say after your break x
