First of all you need a bowl and a spoon (and an apron, that's important!)
Measure out 100g of butter or marg. Put it into the bowl and mix well until soft.
Measure out 100g of sugar, add to the butter and cream together until light and fluffy. Add one beaten egg and two capfuls of vanilla extract. Mix together well.
Next, measure out 100g of self-raising flour and sift into the mixing bowl.
Obviously putting the sieve on your face helps...
Once you have mixed the flour into the butter-egg-sugar mixture you should put paper cases into a bun tray.
Put dessertspoonfuls of the mixture into the paper cases. It should make 12 but for some reason ours made 9...
Place in the oven at 190C for about 10-15 minutes depending on your oven. NOW you can lick the bowl Monkey!
When they're cool you can decorate them. We used plain white icing and coloured sprinkles.
And TAH-DAH! The finished article! They tasted good and Monkey Joe hardly made any mess. I'll try other things with him now, maybe gingerbread tree decorations. He did spend the whole day running around shouting "CAKE!" at everything though but has now learned how to say "delicious"...