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Monday, 24 September 2012

Firstly, an admission...

I have a problem.  It's taken me a while to admit it but it's true.  At first I tried to keep it a secret but, having just moved house, it's true extent has come to light.  It's becoming a huge issue and I don't think even The Husband had any idea of the depths of my addiction. I'm going to say it out loud...

My name is Becky and I'm addicted to ...


That's right.  Yarn.

Honestly I didn't have any idea of how much of the stuff I actually owned until I had to pack it all.  Earthy, autumnal yarns of ochre, rust and olive.  Speckled arans ripe for cabled sweaters.  Bright, jewel-like double knits for fun cardigans and toys.  Snuggly, warm chunky yarns to make scarves, hats and bags and dainty 4-plys and laceweight yarns for socks, shawls and little gloves.

I had enough UFOs (unfinished objects) and WIPs (works in progress) on my needles and hooks to last for the next ten years, but then in May something happened to fuel my addiction even more.  I had a baby boy.  What a grand excuse to go yarn shopping.  The Husband couldn't even say no!

"Ooh, look at that cotton yarn!  It'd make a lovely cardigan for the little Monkey"
"What a lovely shade of blue!  I've got a baby pattern just right for that"

Et cetera, et cetera...

And so, with yarn pouring out from every cupboard, under the bed, and even in the kitchen, I have been forbidden to buy any new yarn until at least next summer and any patterns I have must be adapted to use yarn from THE STASH. (The Husband was very clever when he tackled this issue, complimenting me on my "amazing technical ability to adapt patterns").  I shall try my best of course but, hang on, I've just been comissioned to knit matching Christmas Sweaters for the Monkey and his cousin.  I'm going to need to pop to the knitting shop for that.  It's OK though, it's for the baby...

1 comment:

  1. Love it Mrs! - Great posts, lovely writing and photos. I love the whole thing! Keep going with it.

    I love the story of the Yarn addiction, why do we try to make so many things at once?!
